Mamma off her meds...

I am a mother, first and foremost, to a beautiful toddler boy who drives me really nutty at most times!!! But he is my joy and my blessing!  His father and I have recently divorced and we are still dealing with the after effects of this change in our lives. 

I was diagnosed with Depression and have somewhat of an Anxiety disorder that makes my life rather interesting...mmm...especially since I have decided to stop taking my anti-depressants...which makes my Doctors uncomfortable.

I am a Social worker by profession, and though the job is extremely challenging, it is my passion.  I currently work for a Non Profit Organisation in an area known as the Cape Flats.  These communities are faced with issues like poverty, gangsterism, drug abuse and various forms of child neglect and abuse.  I don't think I need to elaborate on that, you pretty much get the picture of what it is we face each day...

I love bobbing about on the internet and I tried blogging many times before without much I'm giving it one last go and hope that I will be able to maintain it this time around.  My entries would be mostly short bursts of random thoughts as they come along...that's just me! 

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