Monday, 30 September 2013

Coco Nut Hair Mask

So my mom gave me coconut oil but in its solid use on my son's skin for his eczema....but I chose to stick with the ointment the Doctor prescribed.  Now I know Indians (Not native Americans) use it on their I thought instead of throwing it away I would use it on my own hair.

I found an article recently on Tia and Tamera's website on 5 different ways of using Coconut's how to use it as a hair mask:

  • Grab a chunk of coconut oil and warm it in your hands;
  • Smooth it through your hair but starting at the bottom, giving attention to your ends;
  • Once you have thoroughly spread it through your hair, wrap your hair on top of your hair and wait for 30 minutes;
  • For better results you could wrap it in a warm towel, or pop on a shower cap and allow the warmth in the shower to open up the hair follicles and better penetrate the hair shaft;
  • Another option is to leave it overnight for optimal results;
  • Rinse and wash as per normal with your shampoo and conditioner;
  • And HEY PRESTO...gorgeous shiny and sleek hair!!!!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Foster Care Christmas Party...

So this year I am Co-ordinator for planning our annual foster care Christmas party!  What a task....I had big plans and started the planning meetings early on in this year.  But with the nature of the job and all the strict deadlines to meet...I did not quite stick to the schedule and plan I initially set out.  But here we are with just about 2 months left to prepare and my nerves are shot!  Our theme is Circus/Carnival...

So I have appealed to friends and family to assist me with this humongous task...I really would love to give the children something special and would not want to disappoint!  I hope we would be able to pull this one off this year!


Monday, 23 September 2013


It's been a while since I have posted here.  Since my last post which was shortly after my son's birthday, so much has happened.  I was recently told that my depression had returned...severe depression...and I have seen many dark days since...but after deciding that I was not going to use chemicals to help control my condition, I needed to realize that I then needed to take some sort of responsibility in making changes.

So I started making really small changes.  So far it has been helpful and I am beginning to feel a lot less sad and depressed.  There are still issues that need resolving, but I am learning to manage the condition and my response/reaction to the challenges in my life.  It's not an easy journey, but in all honesty....there is much that I have to be grateful for...I have my health, my sight, my hearing and so forth...there are so many others in this world who are experiencing so many atrocities...I just have Depression...

In an attempt to work through all that needs changing in my life...I think that I should start posting here more a means of distraction and a way of working through my emotions and issues.  Sometimes it helps to just put it out there...and then get over it.  I have found this secret group on Face Book for people who suffer from Anxiety and it has helped in a big way to be able to post whatever I feel at that moment and put my thoughts out there and have no one be judgmental and critical but understanding and giving guidance from down right experience!

There are so many things in my life that I am questioning right now...the perception of what life is....or should be...and all that I have been taught as a kid growing up...taught by my's weird...let's just say that I am testing and re looking at principles and concepts I have been taught as a child.  Trying to define the new me, the me in the aftermath of my diagnosis of Depression and the subsequent divorce.  Who knew divorce would leave behind such a big mess to clean up...much like an atomic bomb going off and wiping out everything that once existed or stood there...all manner of structures destroyed...and now I am having to rebuild.

In a way I am glad that the depression and the divorce's opened my eyes to so much...what I thought was so....was not...

So here's to many a happier posting here on this little blog!
